Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What in the World?

Are you ready for another puzzle? If you think you know what this is, comment below.


  1. I guess dandelion, Mikes guess is a raccoon

  2. kinda looks like a bird with it's head tucked in cleaning itself...even though it looks like fur and not feathers. so maybe part of a dog. or a cat.

  3. oops not a cat. ;)

    p.s. that puzzle you had that you said was easier than your others and it's two black lines on white...i have absolutely no idea what that is and it's definitely no easier to me than any other! lol

  4. It is a bird with its head tucked in! She was just turning, thus the circular swirl. And she was a wee bird so pretty fluffy.

  5. Re: the other puzzle...think along the lines of windows.

  6. yay on the bird!! Also, I didn't mean to say "it's head" above...I shouldn't have put an apostrophe there!

    Hmmmm, windows...
